Friday 5 November 2010


Love is the heart of this life we share ,not just the portrayed emotional style as commonly understood , it encompasses fire and passion and darkness a truly individualistic theatre of expession .commitment and understanding.
Embracing life ,love and death.Without the need to compete with the trends of socially accepted behaviour , its a freedom to connect with great minds and spirits.
Embracing the lover is like embracing a temporary death of ego..there is no ego in love.It is not only the opening curtain ,it is the closing one as well..And after the curtain is closed there are no bows in front of an inexistent audience..It is only you and me.Love is stripping me from the social barriers following me every day..It is my day time me..My night time me can handle a chocker in my neck..My night time me is diving into dark deep seas of the unknown i have never ever seen in you..My night time Me can die in your love and resurrect at the same time.You might wonder if this is really might not even like it..But that is my goth dark side than i am hiding behind a socially compatible outfit during the day time..
During night time i do not feel the need to be compatible to any social is just me in front of me and you..there is nothing that could ever make me pretend i am somebody else..It is not the is not the sexy pose i might is not the ambient..It is just me and what lies in my eyes when i look at you..
You were wondering if i had a gothic heart seeing me dressed up in jeans..Did you really think that the outfit is representing the soul’s desires?Did you ever think that even while i am cooking i am just a mum?
Well,here are some news for you! Mums are double facd..self conscious mums..i am not dressing up my business identity or my family one..I am always saving some moments of my day just to set free the What-I-Am-Inside factor..Otherwise it will kill me
Yes,deep down i am so dark i am wondering if you can even handle it..Because you never told me if you did
If i hide this side of me,there will be no me at all,don’t take it away from me..just act as you should,embrace me with your death and resurrect me at the same time.
It is absolute Zero i am trying to find..Absolute darkness ..Just to make out something out of the dark Nothing