GothicIsm in Arts

I don’t know about  you,I will speak only for myself.What is the deepest meaning of Gothicism,mostly known as “being a Goth”.Gothic age first showed up in the medieval era..all that dark ambient,the   fear of the purgatory,the seven deadly  sins etc all that led to this current movement of Goth people.

I say “movement” because according to my humble opinion,a movement is when your inner self is getting opposed to dictating behaviours.It is not the clothes or the look,not even the black eye shadow.It is going so much back in the history that many of you might not even have noticed.
Medieval era darkness was greatly portrayed  by Jeronimo Bosch and his gothic pintings.Personally,I don’t like the  sense of a living hell in heaven or in earth itself,according to those paintings.But many of Bosch's paintings were referring to something more evil,unspoken for his time but yet so existant in his portays.
I consider him the first Gother ever..He had a dark mind ,a dark soul and it was reflecting in all his paintings.But for the fear of the Church and the Holy Inquisition he converted the gothic  images to a religiouss hymn.

Just take a close look of all those gothic graphics or images posted on the web,even on our blog.Everything is having a Bosch signature..The depth of the fear,the standards and the lines not o be crossed because hell is waiting for the rebellious ones..
That is why I spoke of a movement and not a trendy fashion.You can never ever say that you are  belonging in this group of people just because you crossed the streets one night yelling out  that you are drunk..
Much more common is the confusion with the Hooligans,inmates of the stadiums causing riots..They were called Punks..Another misjudged group of people being blamed for all the bads in the society .
The punk music movement wasn’t only about music transition from the early seventies to the late one with brilliant examples likeIggy Pop or David Bowie,even the Sex Pistols and the Clash.Through their lyrics they were trying to send a message but as history proofs,they were never heard..insead they were tagged as riots causing part of unsocialized people..
At this point,many of us who had and still do,participated in this movements,we are having famiies,a compatible job,maybe a couple of loans in the local bank branch..Back then,we were just the ”stay away from them”people.
Concluding,I strongly believe there is and will always be a strong connection between performing arts and the social models.Personal existence is depending so  such on communication channels and the arts is the most basic one as long as we can take a really good look at the masterpiece..

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