Pure Gothicism

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Connection with an age of change .a time when life was without peace ,living the battle between light and the darkness… The church had began to tighten its grip on all life,even influencing ,with no qualms, the decisions kings and queens were to make, prisoners of the will of the church in as much of the grip as were the people . A new dominion had been born …one that falsely projected love and compassion …. which bore down and crushed the souls of the very people it set out to liberate.Survival was always a daily struggle ,against the false dogma of the new church.to survive the watchful inquisitions Survival meant compromise. The rebellious were dealt with in uncompromising un passive and brutal means … where is the gospel in their madness ?
The bible was written in latin for centuries …Known as the Latin Vulgate… and copies were hand written by monks ..Untill the invention of the moveable type printing press,a much later invention.
Availability of self enlightenment was scarce if you wanted to hear the word of god …you had better go to church .. and hear what they wanted you to believe .
After smothering the pagan festivals of the solstices and equinox’s,worshipping the natural occurring, Heliacal,……{HELIOS is greek for sun}… hell.. is probably derived from this as an anti pagan tool……
points in the seasons , with their church observances , they set about conscripting the weak-minded in society to become members of the flock…easily lead,
Gothic culture stems from the times of this outrage,we are the hereditary keepers of the knowledge that was …. and will be here as guardians of the true life that was raped from our world by the greed of those that cared more for power for themselves .The church FAILED to realise the very ideals they based their religion upon, were the same ones they were trying to destroy in the hearts of those they saw, as Sinners and Heretics.
Had they read the first part of the book they were waving in everyone’s face … they might have remembered that we as a race were not intended to know the difference of Good from Evil , But instead to live in ignorance of this Divine Knowledge and live in harmony with nature .
Now man , had decided to play the reaper ,with knowledge he should not have had,this self righteous attitude is supposed to please god ? What sin greater ?… the self righteous cleansing of gods people or the adherence to the original plan ?
To live in harmony with life is not such a difficult task .. life needs no batteries … no user manual … it’s all around us just being life .we learn from it … we can’t control it .. but if we pay attention,… we can become more life-like … realising this is also no task in itself … but adhering to the life without ego is not so easy. people are strange … and it’s not the goth ones ,The usual suspects…, … most of the ones WE know ,are very calm, insightful and wise … rebellion is for the young .. the un- initiated . the unlearned .
Fighting the power just gets you famous for 15 minutes …
Educating the resistance to tyranny is not about revenge or Anarchy . it’s just what it has always been life lessons .. adjustment . healing .. strengthening growing soul power .. connecting with the infinite … absorbing the energy that is not from the socket or the pump … loosing yourself in the gifts of the source and becoming a part of the hidden ways .Developing into more than humans.. a loving one ,with respect ,equality and a collective purpose.
As a unified collective we would be more useful , less juxtaposed with our fellow-man .. there would be less hunger … it’s a utopian fallacy … right ? … I don’t think so .. it’s so obvious … it seems ludicrous … but how do we teach these values … in secrecy ..to keep the obvious alive and dismantle the hypocritical regimes that would rather we fight amongst our selves over nationality .,colour,religion,pollution,their manifesto is ” keep em busy and they wont have time to think for themselves … and we will rob them all blind in the process and “allow them to democratically choose us as their leaders … every 4 years “… this is what it all boils down to …they rule with illusion not illumination … because the dark forces of greed envy lust sloth are not sins of the flesh … they are sins of the soulless ….
The flesh is our touchscreen ..its an organ ,our way of interacting with everyone and everything that is outside of us .
If we are to neglect this we neglect all that is without … us as individuals ,whether by design or by natures scheme,the only sin i see is denial of the self.
learn yourselves … what are you ?
Who you are is a disguise that is worn by the mind … you are as everyone is / should be … a caretaker of life .. a companion of nature a mother / father of future generations of life .
GOTHIC… is akin to GNOSTIC in my opinion ,its about nature and energy…as much as it is about vampires and eyeliner…
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